Tuesday, December 30, 2008

26 weeks!

So, here it is! The first belly picture! Thanks to Laci for insisting on the double-belly shot and for sending me the pictures since I left my camera at home :(

Laci (and baby Wickenkamp) 33 weeks
Jes (and Baby Phillips) 26 weeks

Or maybe its a triple-belly shot!! hee hee!! We always thought Grandpa had the Wells Blue Bunny in his belly :)

I'm still wearing my regular jeans...WITH A BELT!! What a great feeling that is! I did start wearing maternity shirts about 2 weeks ago just for some extra room, and I'm still not wearing the maternity ACU's for work. I started wearing an old uniform of Kevin's last week that is a size bigger than mine, but switched back to my pants cause I couldn't keep his from almost falling off! I'll keep wearing his top because I was starting to have problems zipping mine!! I'm hoping to hold off on the maternity ACU's as long as I possibly can. If you've ever seen the uniform, you'd know why I damn near refuse to wear it! HIDEOUS! By this time during my pregnancy with Kaylee, there wasn't a chance I could still wear normal clothes, so I'm loving every second of not wearing all maternity, all the time!

We still haven't decided on a name yet. Or maybe I should say, Kevin hasn't given in yet!! Last time we talked about names, Laci said they liked Quentin. They have Alexander picked for a middle name, so Quentin Alexander it may be!!!! I'm not sure if I spelled it right or not, tho.

I have my next doctor's appointment on Friday. We'll see if I've gained anymore weight back. I know I ate like a pig at all the Christmases we went to, so I'm guessing I'm fairly close to being back to the weight I was when I started this venture!

Hope to post again on Friday after my appointment...with the 27 week picture!!

Catch up Time!!!

I guess time has come to finally update!! I've been super busy with work and the holidays, that I guess this blog took the backseat!

Here's the highlights since my last post!!

Kaylee was an angel, somewhat of a stretch! I made her costume (I'll never attempt that again!). I, as always, was a procrastinator and ended up waiting til the night before to make it. The costume-and the kid-looked pretty stinkin cute if I do say so myself! Beggar's Nite in Milo was the 30th this year, but she didn't trick-or-treat all that long. Just long enough to hit about 4 houses. She was pretty nervous about going to the door of a strangers house asking for candy, so we hit the people that we knew fairly well...Nate and Tina, The Noel's, her sitter Merna, the school secretary Patty. Too bad more people didn't get to see my kiddo in her ROCKIN costume! Maple Ridge, the assisted living home that Grandma Wickenkamp and Grandma Baxter live in did their annual trick-or-treat again this year, so we went to Osky on the 31st and begged them for candy! She left with an entire bag full. Still, not quite sure about going door to door. My dad went with us, so we bribed her...go to the next hallway and we'd be done. She slowly warmed up to it when lots of people thought she was a fairy. She quickly corrected them, "I'm not a stinking fairy! I'm an angel! Can't you see I'm wearing a halo!"

With her best friend Gracie

Kaylee's 6th Birthday Party
We decided this year we would celebrate her birthday with a party outside of our house. She chose Burger King since they have a play area....on a Saturday...from 12-2...at the only indoor play place in Warren County. AAAHHHH!!! Thats how my head felt by 2pm. We let her have her first slumber party afterward with a couple girls from school and Kevin's youngest sister, Briar. Here are some pictures from the pary at BK. I dont have any from the sleepover cause Kevin skipped town (literally!!) with my camera in his truck!!

The gang's all here!

Thanks to Lindsay's photography, the world now knows how squished into the booth I was!!

can she really be 6 already?!?!

eating yummy kids meals

Her cake! I tasted as good as it looked!!
We finally got our tree up on the 20th...just in time for a christmas photo op! Kaylee the photobug cooperated as usual, Chloe on the other hand, was a little more difficult. I did manage to get a couple decent pictures tho!

We have one more Christmas on January 3rd and then our holiday season draws to a close! We relished in our last horrah as a threesome(by spoiling Kaylee rotten) and look forward to our next as a quad! I'm going to try and be better about updating this, now that things have calmed down!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

It's a...


Kaylee is getting a baby brother and she is SUPER EXCITED!! Here are the other ultrasound pictures! He weighed about 11 ounces but we don't know for sure his length. I did some looking on pregnancy websites, and typical babies at 18 weeks are about 6-7 oz. He's one BIG boy! According to the ultrasound measurements, I'm due around March 28th, but the doctor said he wouldn't move my due date just yet! Guess we'll see what happens!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

New stove

Here it is!! The new stove has been in the garage for a couple months now. Fine time to be hooking it up, dont ya think! Dad came up tonight and helped Kevin install it! I now have all new matching appliances IN MY KITCHEN!!

I baked a couple packages of Pillsbury packaged cookies tonight just to test it out. Too bad Dad didn't get to stay to enjoy them! They aren't anything like "Laci Cookies" but they'll do just fine for a test! And the stove worked like a dream!

We're a little sad to say Bye-Bye to the little convection oven that kept us fed for the last 20 months, but I'm glad to see it go finally!!! WAHHOOOO!!

Ultrasound in TWO DAYS!!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Fall Clean-Up!

We went to Osky on Sunday to help clean out my grandparents house. Us Wickenkamp's always find silly things to amuse ourselves! The guys spent most of the day in the garage (I now know where my dad gets his ability to keep EVERYTHING! hee hee) and came out with these pretty snazzy hats!

(can you believe he didn't get the $2 he had on the hat at the garage sale 40 years ago? Who'd a thunk it wouldn't sell!!)

Grandpa Wayne took some time out to create new fun with Kaylee! It was a gorgeous afternoon for a wheelbarrow ride across the yard! ;)

Kaylee's flowergirl experience

Kevin's cousin Tina got married this past Saturday and Kaylee was their flowergirl! She had a blast and loved getting all dressed up! Complete with hair and nails! Here's some pics from the day!

~the before~

~the during~

~the completed project~

~walking down the aisle~


Friday, October 17, 2008

Get to know Jes

Ok, so I was tagged by Laci to reveal 7 weird or random things about myself....easier said than done!! Well~here goes nothing!!

1~I dont like chocolate. Nope...not a bit! I can handle it if its with peanut butter, but other than that, I can't stand it!!

2~I sing really loud in the car, and I mean LOUD! I can really jam!! But only when I'm by myself. For those of you who have had the missfortune of hearing me sing you know i can't carry a tune in a bucket! Thus the reason I sing alone...or sometimes when Kaylee is with me. She doesn't care if I sound like a cow in labor!

3~I, like most everyone in the world, suffer from serious road rage! I dont nudge closer to people, I yell! As loud as I can out an open window! Word of wisdom...don't do it in Orlando!! We were turning right on red and some people were crossing the street...you catch my drift! We had the right of way...and they were in our way!

4~I love scary thriller books!! The more odd the plot, the better! But don't put a scary thriller movie on while I'm in the room. I'll run and hide! Scary movies FREAK me out something fierce!

5~I'm not a good cook! Maybe not so much a bad cook, but I truely HATE cooking! If I can buy something frozen and throw it in the oven, eat out, or order it all ready made, thats fine by me! I also hate to clean. I'll wait til the stuff is piled so high on the dining room table its falling off before I put it all away.

6~I'm a night owl. I definately should have a job where I can work the grave yard shift! I'm not a morning person AT ALL, so getting up at 5 am is not my cup of tea! I would love to be able to stay up all night and sleep all day!

7~I'm not a girly-girl! I feel doing my hair and make-up is a waste of time. Its more time I could be sleeping, although I've started wearing make-up to work on a daily basis. Still dont have to do my hair tho! I'm not into fashion, I'm into comfort! I'd wear pajama pants and a sweatshirt everyday if it was acceptable!

So, there you have it! 7 things about me that you probably already knew!!
Now, I tag Erica! If she can peel herself away from her beautiful new baby boy long enough!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Ultrasound is scheduled :)

We've scheduled our next ultrasound! I will be 18 week at my next appointment, so we will do it then....Oct 31st. Maybe we'll get a little Halloween surprise! 19 days and counting!
We're hoping for a little more cooperation from this child than we got from Kaylee. We, or should I say KEVIN, really wants to know if the baby is a boy or a girl. Me...I know its a baby, and its gonna hang out at our house for atleast the next 18 years, I can wait til he/she is born to know if we will buy blue or pink. And everyone says I'M the impatient one :)
So thats the latest from us! I'm going to try and take a belly picture this week since I've finally started to get one. Maybe I'll get it posted before this kid arrives ;)

PS~ survey says I'm getting a NEPHEW in February!!! YAY!!! Aunts ROCK!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Ultrasound 9-9-2008

Here it is!! It was hard to get a picture of the baby because it was so active. Heartbeat was 167!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Because Laci did!!!

So my sister-in-law Laci started a blog about her pregnancy, among other things, so I decided I would too!!
Lots of family out of town or state who wont be close enough to enjoy my getting fat in person!!

I'm a new "blogger", so I'm going to get help from Laci when we go to Iowa City this weekend!!
More later...hopefully!!