Saturday, April 25, 2009

Jayden's first 2 weeks

Some random pictures from the first couple weeks! I've been playing around with Picasa...and its soooo much fun!!
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Thursday, April 16, 2009

And baby boy makes FOUR!!!

Jayden Wayne Phillips
April 2nd, 2009
8 lbs 5 oz.
22 in long

For those of you who don't know the story of how/why he arrived ON HIS DUE DATE!!, let me explain!
I went to the doctor on Monday, March 30th for a regular OB appointment. While Dr. Bruxvoort was checking the baby's placement he felt like the baby was breech. He sent me to Medical Imaging for an ultrasound and...sure enough, Jayden had turned and was no longer head down. I went back to the clinic, obviously upset because I knew a breech baby meant a C-Section. Dr. Bruxvoort said that there was a doctor in Des Moines who performed something called an external version. Basically, he pushes and twists and turns your belly to persuade the baby to flip again. Supposedly a very painful procedure, I chose to schedule an appointment with him anyway. 15 minutes of pain for that is better than a c-section recovery, right?!?! Well, I was to far along(remember, I was 3 days from my due date) so the risk of rupturing the placenta and causing harm to the baby were to great. The doctor wouldn't see me. I reluctantly scheduled the c-section for Wednesday morning...April 1st. (I said the whole pregnancy I wanted an April Fools baby). I came home from the appointment in tears. Kevin tells me not to worry about it. If Jayden had enough room in there to flip between 38 and 39 weeks, he could easily flip again. yeah right....this was my luck. SUCKY!! I should have listened to him...but dont tell him that!! :)
This is where Dr. Bruxvoort met with the Stubborness of Jes. I told him I was going to will the baby to flip so there wouldn't be a need for a c-section. I also requested another ultrasound before we went to the OR...just to be sure the baby was still breech. I wasn't letting them cut me open, only to find out the baby had turned back on his own. I had to meet with the surgeon, Dr. Morgan, on Tuesday to go over pre-op stuff. This was all happening so fast. I didn't know the baby was breech til 4:30ish on Monday so Kevin didn't have enough time to tell work he needed to be gone on Tuesday. My mom, bless her heart, went with me. I told Dr. Morgan the same thing I told Dr. Bruxvoort...I'll will this baby to flip back(how dare these doctors underestimate me!!) He tells us that only one other time in his career has a breech baby flipped back to head-down before the c-section....ha ha
We had to be at the Pella Hospital at 6am on the 1st. Early mornings make me crabby anyway, and with the circumstances what they were and the fact that I had spent the last 48 hours bawling my eyes out, I only figured this would be an AWFUL hour-long ride to Pella. I did really good. No crying on the drive, made it thru Patient Registration without a tear. We get upstairs to the OB Department and they show us to our room. Still no tears. The nurse hands me a gown and shows me to the's the tears. More than anything I was freaked out. The only surgery I've had done was a tonsilectomy and wisdom teeth...both outpatient, no sweat! But this...this was MAJOR abdominal surgery...and I have to be able to do sit-ups to keep my job! YIKES!!
So, I get changed and the nurse starts the IV and another nurse is handing me pamphlet after pamphlet on who-knows-what...then the ultrasound tech comes in.
This was the same lady who had done our ultrasound at 10 weeks and again at 18 weeks. I was not all that impressed with her bedside manner. I thought she was crusty and grouchy. Oh, great! This was gonna be quite the experience because she had to come in early just for this!! So...she lets her machine warm up, which felt like it took 10 years. She squirts that gel stuff on my belly and I start to cry AGAIN!! She starts to move the wand around.....and...
She's now my FAVORITE ultrasound tech EVER!!!
Dr. Bruxvoort came in a few minutes later and we moved rooms. Pella has 2 rooms specifically for mommys who have c-sections...well, I wasn't gonna need that room anyway!! Once settled in our new NON-C-SECTION room, we started Pitocin. It was roughly 8am on April 1st. The dr and nurses say my labor actually started at noon because thats when the contractions were fairly regular at about 3 minutes apart. Over the course of the next 12 hours (8am-8pm) I barely dialated. Man...isn't the second one suppose to go so much faster?!?! Dr. Bruxvoort came in at one point and said that he was going to shut the Pitocin off for the night and use a prostoglandon pill to "ripen my cervix" and restart again in the morning. About 10:00-10:30 I was dialated far enough that he could break my water...Wowza! We were off to the races!! Before I knew it, I was dialated to 6!! Yippie!! We were getting there! I opted to get an intrathecal for pain, because by this point the contractions were pretty strong and who knew how much longer i was gonna be in labor...I knew I couldn't do another 18 hours of it tho!
I walked some more in the hallway and started squatting when I had contractions. That took all of about 45 minutes before my legs were tired :( I got back to the room and decided that the contractions were too bad. I was guessing the intrathecal wasn't working...I wanted the epidural as well... the nurse checked me again and I was completely dialated!!!!
The doctor came in at 1:10am and asked Kevin what time he guessed the baby would be born. He said 15 minutes....WHAT!! 15 minutes?!?!? Where the hell was he at when Kaylee was born. I pushed for 3 1/2 hours with her. No way I was gonna get away with pushing for 15 minutes!! Well, again...I should have listened to him!! 6 pushes and 15 minutes later at 1:25am, we had a baby boy and Kaylee was finally a BIG SISTER!!