Friday, May 29, 2009


I started back to work this Tuesday which means Jayden started daycare :( Kaylee got out of school on Tuesday also so she started daycare full time for the summer on Wednesday.

Don't get me wrong, I love my job and most of the people I work with, but I DO NOT want to leave him. Maybe I don't remember it being this hard when Kaylee was born, or maybe its the fact that he is definitely my last baby, but this was EXTREMELY hard!! It's gotten better over the past 4 days, but I still find myself "clock-watching"!

Here's a couple pictures of how rough Tuesday was on Jayden! He was completely unphased!!

Before daycare...

After Daycare...

Merna says he's done really well!! I don't know what hurts taking him to daycare or him not caring that I do!!! ;)

Monday, May 4, 2009

Jayden is 1 month!!

Wow..where does time go?!? Can he be a month old already!!

He was 11 lbs 9 oz and 22 3/4 inches long.

Overall, he's an easy baby. I think he's slightly spoiled already cause he likes to be held ALL THE TIME!! He eats like a horse...maybe thats why he's gained 3 lbs in the first month!! He hates his bouncer now, which was a big hit in the very begining. He only likes the swing when he's calm. He doesn't like to be in it if he's fussy. He has an early love of eBay and CMT/GAC (thanks to Daddy) and also SpongeBob(Thanks to Kaylee). He rides in the car extremely well...does he have any other choice with me as a mom!! He's already starting to loose the baby look and he looks more and more like his Dad everyday. He's sleeping thru the night for the most part (anywhere from 8-10 hours...YAY!!) We had our first overnight visit and Grandpa Wayne and Grandma Tami's house this past weekend and he didn't sleep so well there, but he's had 2 9+ hour nights since then! I love this the best since interupted sleep for me is like no sleep at all!!
Kaylee still thinks being a big sister is awesome. She's just recently started with the "You love him more than me" stuff, but she's only done it a couple times. She was out of school all last week because of Kindergarten Round-Up at Southeast Warren, so we got to spend some quality Mommy and Kaylee time together while Jayden was napping. Maybe it was a blessing my car was out of commission all week ;) But...since my car was down all week and it was raining, I went stir-crazy!!!
Here's some random pictures from the month!