Saturday, July 18, 2009

Meet Cooper!!

Introducing the newest member of the Phillips Family!!

Even Chloe likes him!!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

3 month pictures

4th of July

The annual Fourth of July with the Phillips' went off without a hitch again this year!! We celebrated our Independance with a cook out with family and close friends. I left my camera in the stroller, which got put in the garage after the parade...and thus forgotten about. I did, however get one shot of Kaylee in Grandpa Phillips' car during the parade. I had my phone on hand as she breezed up the rockwall. Sorry for the pictures being a little on the dark least I got pictures! Thanks trusty ol' BlackBerry!! (or PinkBerry as Kaylee refers to it!)

And I call Jayden "Monkey"...
What am I thinking???

3 months

Jayden is now a whoppin 3 months! I know I raved about how much he looked like his sister and Daddy when he was born, but the older he gets the more he looks like his Momma! Or maybe his Momma's Momma :) Even Great Great Grandma Baxter says he looks like Grandma Tami. You be the judge! Here's some current pics...

His 3 month shot!
15 lbs 9 oz
25 inches
Snoozing with Grandpa

Uncle Evan and his boys

Hanging out at Grandma and Grandpa's with Zane

All the Phillips Kids

He finally likes the swing! YAY!!

After nap time!

Jayden and his BFF Brad

He sits...She rides - Take 2

Apparently I don't pay much attention to my own blog! sigh... Here are the pictures that should have been on the past post. oops!