Monday, June 22, 2009

He sits...She rides

Hey Mom, Look at me!!!

and then he falls...
It was good while it lasted!! A whole whoppin 4 seconds!!

Kaylee LOVED Grandpa's (ahem...Grandma's) new toy! Guess she didn't want to get off either. She wanted to ride forever! She's already gearing up for another spin on the Harley!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Just pictures

I had a text conversation with my MIL in Saint Louis today and thought she could use a "Phillips Kid Pick-Me-Up"!!
Smile Grandma Bobbie!!

With her best friend Gracie

She made these herself...

Hanging out with Daddy!

Bath time!

Such a ham!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

...And he graduates!!

It's official!! He's a graduate!!
And we're all SUPER proud of him!


Before he left the house

Walking with his girlfriend Brooke...and they didn't even plan it!!!
(How convenient was that for pictures!!)

Brooke - after getting her diploma!!
(That's Kaylee's hand...she wanted a hug!)

Shaking hands with Dr. McGaughey


Whew...its all OVER...and that thing is SIGNED!!

Hats off to the OHS Class of 2009!!!

Proud Grads!

From super cute to super handsome!!

Happy 2 month Birthday, Jayden!!

Our BIG boy!!

14 lbs 3 oz 24 1/2 inches long!!

Hanging out...waiting for Mommy to measure me!!

What a couple months it's been! We've enjoyed every second of it, even though its FLOWN by! He had his 2 mo check up today and had gained a couple more ounces from Tuesday and his head measured at 16 inches, 2 inches bigger than at birth. He got his first round of shots and he's quite uncomfortable now. He's not a crabby baby, but tonight he is! Poor Little Man :(
He's learning to coo and giggle. Its more like a inhaled shriek and Daddy seems to be the only one who can really get him going! He tries to mimic your facial features and he rolls from his side to his belly! It also won't be long before he's sitting on his own! He loves to sit on the couch where the arm and back meet.
Here's some other shots from the past couple weeks!

His favorite spot on the couch!!

Big stretches on the day he met Bradley

All smiles in the swing! FINALLY!!!

Our Pride and Joy!

Monday, June 1, 2009

meet Jayden's best friend!!!

Jayden's best friend has graced the world with his presence!!
Bradley Robert Ward
6 lbs 7 1/2 oz
19 1/2 inches long

He's just a little peanut! Tiny Tiny Tiny! He makes my little man look like a giant!!
I can now offically say I was scared to hold a baby. I've never held a baby this small! Well, I guess I held Andrew when he was a couple weeks old and about this size, but I was a lot smaller then, too!! Jayden looks happy to meet him, but the feeling doesn't look mutual from Brad!! :)
Good Job Lindsay and Logan!! He's perfect!!