Tuesday, March 31, 2009

39 weeks...

My mother-in-law asked for an updated belly picture, so here it is. This may be the last one, so live it up!! This is the last time you'll see me pregnant!!!

39 weeks 4 days

Monday, March 16, 2009

Belly shots!!!

I've been horrible about posting these things!!! Here's a couple different weeks worth!

30 weeks - last one with Laci cause Zane was born a week and a half later!!!

36 weeks - with Lindsay (and baby Bradley)...man I grew A LOT in 6 weeks!!!

37 weeks - Kaylee loves her little brother!!

We're couting down in days now!! 17(ish)! Oh, boy...this is gonna be a long 2 1/2 weeks (or longer)!!

Kaylee gets a cousin!!

Zane Alexander Wickenkamp ~ February 5, 2009
And she loves EVERYTHING about him!! He's perfect!!