Wednesday, November 4, 2009

7 months ALREADY?!?!

Here's the 7 month Halloween
Happy 7 month Birthday, Buddy!! He now has FIVE teeth...cut the 5th one today, actually!! He's sitting up, and has started feeding himself puffs. He scoots around in his walker like he's a seasoned pro! Won't be long and our little man won't need that walker anymore!

Our little "Chunky Monkey"

She was Alex from Wizard's of Waverly Place

Trick or Treating with Mason and Gracie Noel

Kaylee Trick or Treated 3 times this year. On Thursday, I took Jayden and Kaylee to Maple Ridge to see Grandma Wickenkamp and Grandma Baxter and trick or treat there. It's inside, so that was AWESOME for mom! Friday, she went around Milo in the freezing cold (which means I froze with her), and Saturday, she went to New Virginia with Nana and Aunt Briar and a couple of Aunt Briar's friends. She's candied out for the next decade!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Last Halloween...

I'll post pictures from this Halloween later, but check out what happened last Halloween!!